Emergency stop

Contributed by: MMousavi

Trust Type: Competency-based; Interaction: Provocation; Stage: Changing; Risk: Physical; System: Robotic-AV; Test Environment: ITL-Artificial; Measurement: Self-Reported; Application Domain: UC needs special equipment; Aspects are task-specific; Pattern: Suck-it-and-see;


Members of the public were invited to push a button to move a dummy pedestrian in front of a moving 1/8 scale autonomous vehicle in order to observe how its sensors enable it to stop at a safe distance.


Conducted at an exhibition. Fun for participants and a compelling demonstration of AV trustworthiness with respect to emergency stop situations. Limited transferability as the usecase requires an autonomous vehicle and a suitably secure public test environment.

Original purpose

The experiment aimed to measure public perception of trust.

RRI issues

There is a question mark over whether encouraging members of the public to 'throw' someone in front of a moving vehicle - even in fun - is desirable. When confronted by real AVs, will those participants feel emboldened to try something similar?


Araujo, Hugo LS, et al. "Trusted autonomous vehicles: An interactive exhibit." 2019 IEEE International Conferences on Ubiquitous Computing & Communications (IUCC) and Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DSCI) and Smart Computing, Networking and Services (SmartCNS). IEEE, 2019.
